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Three Things I'm Thankful For

gratitude thankful thanksgiving Nov 21, 2023

Call it your run-of-the-mill Thanksgiving blog post, but don't say it to my face because you know I'm not basic. Here are three things I'm thankful for that might be a bit unconventional or remind you of ways to practice gratitude not just speak it. FYI, one of these things might throw you off your rocker. Although, let's get real, you're not sitting in a rocker, you're a mom. I heard it at church this past weekend, and it got me thinking just how important it is, so it clearly made the top three.

Are you ready? Here we go:

  1. Courage. I am not someone who shies away from a challenge. I have had the courage to do a lot of things in this life that have helped me tremendously in my career, my goals, my achievements. For example, when I was in college, I had courage to walk into several restaurants and bars and ask for a job, even though most places were not interested in hiring students from the local university because they knew they'd have gaps to fill during extremely busy seasons, like the holidays, when those students traveled back home to be with their families. I had the courage to throw out my Italian fluency with the owner of one restaurant that soon became my work home for the next three years. I also had the courage to teach a class of high school students who were barely four years my junior when I was offered my first job out of college. I had the courage to get in front of a group of people who were probably in better shape than I was and lead aerobics classes. I had the courage to move to another continent totally alone with no real plan of where I'd live long-term and start a Master's program that I learned I'd been accepted to just two weeks prior. I had the courage to text my now husband when I got back from that stint in Europe after we hadn't spoken and merely met nearly a year prior. I've had the courage to apply to jobs I wasn't totally qualified for (who honestly checks all the boxes? No one. ), ask for raises and promotions when I internally questioned if I could handle it, speak to thousands of people on topics I was once a student of and honestly still am (#lifelonglearner), etc. Courage doesn't mean you're not scared AF when you do these things or feel any lack of confidence. I have felt all those things (and still do) almost every time. It means you've got the balls, for lack of a better word, to still do it. Courage makes things happen. So, lean into it because everyone has it. And just like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it will become. 
  2. Health. Most days I don't spend time in gratitude about little things I'm capable of doing without support, pain, or physical ability. For example, I can drive a car and not think twice about who will take my kids to school. I can read and hear from mentors out there who have shaped my path and continue to do so. I can walk, talk, breathe, feed myself, shower myself, hop on a plane if I need to and not worry about my immune system or if I need assistance carrying my bags. Health is such an underrated player in the gratuity game. Sure, we say we're thankful for our health all the time, but do we realize just how crucial it is? And more importantly, are we treating our bodies with gratitude, not just saying, "Thank you" here and there? Basically, are we walking the walk or just talking the talk? Yes, we're in the holiday season and there are tons of reasons why you could simply wait until January 1st to start being healthier like the rest of the world does. But, there are also some simple ways you can level up your health, even with all the temptations, changes in routine, and extra busyness you're facing right now. For example, commit to a walk a day, limit alcohol to once a week or one glass of wine, drink more water. Believe it or not, these are ways to show gratitude for your health instead of just giving it lip service. 
  3. Difficult circumstances. Most people wouldn't say, "Life is easy". We all have our things we've experienced, or maybe are experiencing right now. It sucks. Being in those moments, those seasons really sucks. It can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It can feel defeating. We can fall victim and get stuck in patterns of, "Why me" and "It's not fair" mindsets. While I'm not always the best at managing difficult circumstances, I've definitely learned and come to be grateful for them to date. And with that gratitude has come a wisdom, a peacefulness, and a coping mechanism that allows me to not fall apart or wallow in worry during those times, which I've definitely done in the past. I've been rereading one of my fav books lately, Jen Sincero's You are a Badass at Making Money. It's a great read for anyone feeling like they want to level up in the money department, and as an ambitious woman, I am almost always up to making it rain. Something Jen says in the book that stood out to me BIG time is this, "Worrying is praying for stuff you don't want." Damn, that's good. So, next time you worry, think of that. In the meantime, let's get back to why I'm grateful for difficult circumstances. I'm taking you to church for the answer because that's where I got this clarity moment this past weekend. Difficult circumstances, if you let them, will bring you three things: perseverance (they'll strengthen your resiliency muscle), character (they'll make you a more empathetic and understanding person), and hope (they'll allow you to always be able to find the light-no matter how dimly lit it is). I know you've experienced difficult circumstances, just like I have, so after you've cursed them out or cried more tears than you thought your hydrated self was even capable of, remember the gifts you've been given from them.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Send me a DM and let me know. 

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