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6 Ways to Actually Keep your New Year's Resolutions

goal setting goals new year Dec 14, 2023
Are you ready to start your 2024 with all the motivation and intensity it’s going to take to accomplish those new year’s resolutions? Or are you already feeling like by January 7th or so, that drive is going to fizzle, as it likely has in years past?
For nearly a decade, I’ve been able to fulfill my new year’s goals using the following six tips. If you’re serious about executing those goals this year, read on to see how you can work it in 2024 and accomplish ALL THE THINGS you want. I'm living proof eight years strong!
1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Basically, don't only have only one new year’s resolution. Like your financial portfolio, diversify. Look at all the areas of your life you want to improve: parenting, career, self-care, finances, relationship. Choose something for each of these.
2. Write down your resolutions. It seems almost like a no-brainer, but seriously, this small step is extremely crucial. So many people say they’re going to do something and then do not follow through. A big reason for this is simply because they didn’t write down their goal. The best place to do this is in a place where you will see it daily. I have a dry/erase board (ironically) where I write my annual goals every year. And no, they don’t get erased until end of year after I’ve spent the entire year looking at them daily, checking them off as I complete them and then documenting my hard earned accomplishments through a photo before erasing that 365 days' worth of work and writing down my next ones to repeat this awesome process.
3. Make your resolutions specific. Last year I wanted to focus on spending more one-on-one time with each of my kids. My resolution didn’t read: spend more time with kids one-on-one. It went more like this: go out on a one-on-one date with each kid per quarter. The more specific you get, the easier it will be for you to measure your success in actually completing this goal. If you're vague on your resolution, you'll probably be pretty vague at getting it done too. Simple as that. Be specific!
4. Make some easier than others. Not all your resolutions need to be super challenging or complicated. Make some goals less challenging to achieve than others. We all need to hit the easy button some days and often the sense of accomplishment you will feel from completing your first resolution will ignite you to want to feel that again and again by working toward the others.
5. Be creative about how to fit these into your new lifestyle. Want to work out more, but feel like hitting the gym five days a week is just not in the cards with your current schedule? Find ways to fit fitness into the regular things you do. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Do squats while you brush your teeth. Pace the room while you're on the phone. When something is a priority to you, you will find a creative solution to make it happen, no matter what. 
6. Check yourself on the reg. When you're sitting down to Netflix and chill next weekend, ask yourself, “Is there a goal I could be committing to right now?”. If that goal was more time for you to relax, then by all means do it! If it was to finish your book though, like someone I know writing this blog post right now, then I'm about to say buh bye to that very interesting documentary about El Chapo and get back to writing my heart out. Hold yourself accountable. You're the best person for this because only you know how important those goals are.
Bonus tip! And I speak from personal experience here...hire a coach. Even if you feel like you're THE most self-motivated person around, a coach will help you level up quicker and higher than you ever thought you could. Your goals are worth the investment. YOU are worth the investment!
If you're ready to start the new year, new you and want to work with me to get you there, let's make it happen. As a certified, intuitive life and business coach I've helped countless clients achieve BIG goals. Curious if we're a fit? Schedule a totally free breakthrough call and let's help you make 2024 your best year yet!

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