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Family Fun Lists

mom life summer time management Jun 26, 2023
Summer Fun!

I love me a good list. Like, for real-lists help me feel more organized, less stressed, and one step closer to being done with the tasks at hand (at least they're now written down and out of my head).

Not all lists need to feel like...well, daunting to-do lists. 

Not all lists need to make us feel indebted to lots of things to get done.

And not all lists need to be full of things we HAVE to do. 

Lists can also be full of things we GET to do.

To be honest, EVERY list can be full of things we GET to do. It's a matter of perspective. But that's not what today's post is about. :)

For most of the kids' school breaks this year, I've created lists of things we want to do during that time partially to ensure we were intentionally using our time and partially because if we weren't going away during that time, we could still have lots of fun doing things on our list. 

This summer we decided to do the same. 

Here are some tips to make your fun list for your family's summer break:

1. Create the list together! It's important for everyone to have a voice in the planning process or the motivation and buy-in to complete the items on the list won't be there. We sat down and discussed ours during dinner one night and all had a chance to pitch some of our ideas. 

2. Include some easy wins! Not everything on the list needs to be a HUGE milestone to complete. For example, you or your hubs may want to run a marathon this summer (that's big in my book) and that might go on the list, but you could also include a family ice-cream date (much simpler to accomplish). 

3. Quantify items! If you want to be consistent about swimming or visiting the library during the summer, quantify the total number of times you want to do this. You don't necessarily want to focus on the number of times per week (although this can be helpful when you think about your weekly schedule to work toward the bigger goal). Reason being, summer weeks are rarely consistent, especially with trips, unpredictable weather, and different summer camps--not to mention summer illness that can creep in. So focus on the total number, not weekly one.

4. Be realistic! While I'm all about manifesting what you want, I am a realist in the sense that if our budget doesn't allow for us to take a Hawaiian vacation this year, I probably won't put it on the list. And if it does end up happening, well-I won't be disappointed about it either.

5. Post it! Hang up your list somewhere visible to everyone in the house: on the fridge, on a wall everyone passes daily, or on the back of the front door so you see it every time you leave. This will keep your list items top of mind and make it easier to focus on achieving your goals.

Our family fun list has some pretty random stuff on it this summer. Like I said, our kids named a bunch of these items, and we honor their requests (not all of them, but at least some). My personal favorite from this summer's list is "Eat sushi." 

Do you ever make family fun lists for school breaks? Has it helped you manage your time better and make time for fun? DM me on Instagram and let me know!

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