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Five Ways Working Moms Can Support Their Mental Health

burn out mental health working mom May 07, 2024

I kicked off Mental Health Awareness month last week with a presentation for a company all about stress, depression, and anxiety. I know, not the lightest topic, but one-nonetheless-that warrants our attention. 


Because mental health issues affect 1 in 5 Americans each year.


But also, kinda not.

As a mom, I've felt...

  • stressed juggling a corporate career and showing up as the mom and wife I want to be
  • anxiety about my kids' safety when it comes to food choices I make, car seats I choose, sports I allow them to play
  • depression in specific seasons where I felt stuck and unclear what my next steps were
  • burn out from chronic stress and exhaustion I experienced trying to do it all and fit the mold of successful career woman, mom, wife, daughter, sister, school volunteer, etc., ETC, ETCETERA!!

I don't think I'm wrong when I assume moms may be a bit more susceptible to mental health concerns, at least during certain seasons of motherhood.

As I always say, when you feel good, you do good. So, if you're not feeling your best from a mental health perspective, now's the time to seek support. Some ideas to get you started:

1. Research your mental health benefits. Check out what's available in your benefit package. Many organizations even offer free mental health services and resources. 

2. Consider therapy. Whether you're feeling stretched from a mental health perspective or not, therapy can be a fantastic way to work through healing you may or may not realize you're in need of.

3. Talk to friends or family. Being open and transparent about what you may be experiencing can allow for others to show more empathy and support. If they don't know, they can't help.

4. Get outside. The weather is getting nicer in most places, and a little sunshine and walk in nature can seriously diminish any remnants of seasonal depression that may be lingering from winter. 

5. Smile. I did an experiment on myself years ago, forcing myself to smile on my daily, power walk to work through NYC during rush hour. The results? I was happier when I got to the office and less bothered by little things throughout the day. Try it!

Mental health matters, mama! Prioritize your mental health today. If you're not sure how to make that happen, a Time Management Deep Dive can be a great way to free up one, two, even three hours of time into your busy mom life. 

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