Mama Work It Podcast: Using Astrology as a Planning Tool with Crystal B. (Crystal B. Astrology)
astrology Feb 28, 2024
Want to know how you can use astrology to help you plan all things in your working mom life?
This week on the Mama Work It podcast, I interviewed Crystal Bichalski, aka Crystal B., globally recognized astrologer, author, mentor and retreat leader. Crystal shares her experience and perspective on all things astrology and how to use the planets to your benefit when planning ahead.
Here's what you’ll get out of today’s episode:
- What else you need to know besides your zodiac sign when it comes to astrology
- The first steps you can take to start understanding using astrology in your planning
- How you can use astrology to your advantage at work
Listen right here and don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you loved this episode! ❤️ 🎧
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