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2024 Word of the Year

new year Jan 09, 2024
Word of the year

Each new year, I select a word of the year. This is a word I choose to focus on, live by, guide me throughout the following 12 months. This is a word that makes me inspired and keeps me in check. This is a word that is usually positive, exciting, in line with the goals I've set for the year ahead. 

In past years, my words have ranged from "Fulfillment" to "Intentional" to "Listen". Nothing too racy. Very in sync with a positive mindset, disciplined work ethic, and spiritual openness.

This year, well actually a few weeks backs in December, I got quiet and thought about what my word should be. The first word, the strongest contender, the only word that came up was this one: "Repair". 

What the actual fuck?!

I didn't accept it right away. In fact, I told the Universe that I would come back for a round two brainstorming process because maybe I wasn't in the right headspace at that time or maybe they'd made a mistake. I'm much more of an "Achievement", "Success", "Impact", "Growth" type of girl. Repair?! Why was I given this not-very-sexy word?

The truth was, I knew why. I just didn't want to accept it. 

You see, I'm the type of person who always wants to be five steps ahead of where I'm at. Sure, I will stand still for 30 seconds and celebrate my new book or my keynote or landing a new client, but then I'm right back at it thinking about the next thing. It's a blessing and a curse. 

When I received this word, my reaction was not very inviting because "Repair" felt like taking some steps backwards, not forwards. The pre-fix "re" literally means "again"! I don't want to do again. I want to do the next thing. I've been there and done that. Let's move on.

I let some days go by because I did have hope I'd get a new and different download for 2024 that was much more on brand for me. Each time I got quiet and tried to see what my word should be, "Repair" was parked right there, clearly in it for the long haul. It was like the car battery was dead, and you may as well remove the plates and keep it in your driveway because it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. 

I finally accepted my word on January 1st, 2024. I put it on my vision board as I do every year. I leaned into what it meant for me personally. I started to really listen, which is ironic because my word in 2023 was, indeed, "Listen". Took me a minute, but I guess I finally leaned into it.

It's been 10 days since the new year began. I've kept my word front and center, visually, mentally, emotionally. I've made mindful efforts in areas I'd been a little lax on in previous years-like relationships and presence. I'm prioritizing areas I perhaps took a bit for granted before. I am here for the 2024 repair. 

Has this stopped me from going after new goals and aspirations? No, it hasn't. And, guess what? It's actually made going after those things feel less hustle and more flowy, which I didn't even realize I needed until I gave the repair some attention.

So, in an effort to be real, raw, and vulnerable, there you have it. My word for 2024: "Repair". It's not glamorous. It's not polished. It's not the epitome of what success looks like to me, but it's part of the journey, my journey, to arrive there and beyond. 

Do you have a word of the year? What's your 2024 word? Let me know here.

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